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    A Cuckoo Clock Obsession

    Obsession can strike out of the blue.

    30 years ago my father gave me a cuckoo clock from the Black Forest of Germany. It sang for years before falling quiet. One thing lead to another and some of its parts went missing. After decades of separation, a long awaited reunion this summer when I had it shipped back from Japan. Repair seemed more than it would be worth so Frank Cole of Cole’s Cuckoo Clocks in NH sold me one that was very close but not the doppelganger. Up it went straight away and the cuckoo bird sings again.

    It really gets under your skin.

    Each day, pulling down the chains to raise the cast iron pine cones to keep that tiny bird in song and the clock ticking. A new way of measuring your existence. Like a contagious virus (sound familiar?) I am hopelessly infected.

    Started looking for spare parts for the original as the carving quality was that much nicer and found an identical cuckoo clock with the same nest and baby birds on pegs, just a lighter maple stain. A furious ebay auction in the final seconds and sweet victory over dozens of competing bidders. A cuckoo hatrick.

    A successive Black Forest time piece discovered on amazon and a deeper dive into Triberg where they have been produced since the 1700s, Even avant garde cuckoo clocks are being made there today, much to the chagrin of the traditionalists.

    Always game, my better half joined the hunt and chanced upon Guido Zimmerman, a graduate from the Academy of Visual Arts in Frankfurt.

    Gorgeous architectural cuckoo clock kinetic sculpure, giving entirely new meaning to what has endured since the 1700s. Grenades instead of the cast iron pine cones. Whoa.

    Our house up on the hill, as you might have guessed, is starting to sound more like an exotic aviary. Sweet insanity.


    Real estate is the ultimate obsession. Feeling hungry for a new crib? Call 800.525.7965 or email info(at)maplesweet(dotted)com to put your own property on the market or start looking for something higher in the canopy.

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