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    Light Amber



    April 28, 2011

    This article comes directly from the Free Dictionary, by Farlex: Turkmen woman at the entrance to a yurt in Turkestan; 1913 picture by Prokudin-Gorskii A yurt (üi or kiz üi in Kazakh, ...

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    Selective Blindsight. Making Distress Sales Disappear

    April 6, 2011

    This article is from and comes at a time with appraisers and realtors providing comparable sales face downward pressure from a host of short sales and foreclosures. Should residential appraisals use distress sales as comparables?...

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    Aiming 4 One Gigabyte Per Second. Vermont, e-State

    November 12, 2010

    Trophy house at river's edge, slate stack fireplace crackling, four star stainless appliances, red birch shimmering floors, tiger maple cabinets, track lighting, bling, eye candy, bells and whistles. In spite of the sheer perfection, Cla...

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    stirling engine system

    Solar Vermont, eShine

    September 28, 2010

    Solar orchards? That's right, step right up and purchase your little piece of paradise much as you would your own cemetery plot. Bask in hot water from the sun's radiation. Cover your roof with silicon. Shoot for the stars and plant a dozen ...

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    Tracking Harrison Snapp

    July 17, 2010

    It all started with a condominium on a renovation quest. Vertical fissure over fireplace, kitchen cabinets having seen better days. In search of the piece de resistance, the missing link, how to spin some magic for spice, add sparkle 2 grea...

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    Trusts, Trustmakers, Trustees, Beneficiaries

    Trusts, Trustmakers, Trustees, Beneficiaries

    June 28, 2010

    Revocable, precisely as it sounds. A revocable trust (RT) then, is one which the grantor (aka settlor or trustor) has the power to revoke even though the assets have been entrusted to and are owned by the beneficiary. As the grantor may rev...

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    Facebook Defined

    Facebook Defined

    May 23, 2010

    Facebook's founder Mark Zuckerberg : "The mission of the company is to make the world more open and connected" Derived from the Phillips Exeter Academy printed student manual where Zuckerberg went to boarding school, Zuckerberg wrote Fac...

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