Check out currently featured Maple Sweet Real Estate video with Ellen Degeneres. Bringing her trademark wit and charm to the world of real estate, she touches on secret codes, the MLS, and red flags to watch out for.
Starting a wildly successful stand up career in the 80’s including an appearance on Johnny Carson’s Tonight show, modern viewers may know her Ellen Degeneres show since 2003. Her talents are varied, including book authorship, a film career, myriad TV show appearances, Academy Awards, Grammy Awards & Emmy Awards hosting; she’s won 13 of the latter. Forget youtube, fans by the millions are lapping up ellentube.

An obviously talented entrepreneur, her laughs are easy to underestimate. She knows how to take amazing advantage of real estate markets too. Ellen sold the renovated Quincy Jones designed nine bedroom Brody home in LA last year to Napster co-founder Sean Parker for 55 million after she purchased it the previous winter for just 40 Million. Talk about a handsome return on investment.
To help the less affluent gain insight into real estate investing, have a listed to one of over a hundred real estate investing podcasts by Bigger Pockets. From minimum wage to multi-million dollar portfolios, it’s entirely possible to rise quickly up the ladder of fortune with the right intel.
Maple Sweet Real Estate adds value and insight to better inform your real estate decisions.

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