On average if you’re planning to stay in place for a year and nine months, it’s time to buy. Like any rule, there are so many exceptions.
2nd are local rent levels vs the monthly cost of carrying a home including not just your mortage, but also taxes, insurance and maintenance which are easy to underestimate. Purchasing a home that fits your budge helps but equally as important is finding a home that is a value in your market. Comparing town assessed values to a likely purchase price can help as a barometer, but condition and stylistic appeal matter too.

3rd are your long term plans. Are your life, job and other circumstances stable? If you’re anchored with a solid professional and social network and have roots in place, it can make more sense as you’ll want to buy and hold for as long as possible to maximize the return on your investment. Often quoted is seven years before things start to look rosy, though market swings can skew that equation dramatically. The Wall Street Journal reports on an essential step in a successful life and realtor.org provides a field guide to buying vs renting.

Home ownership is, after all, part of the American dream. There’s such a thrill in knowing it’s your own castle and you’ve control over your own destiny. Landscaping, perennials, planting trees, masonry walls and stone gardens and other beautification become major pleasures, not to mention knowing that, if well cared for and improved over time, the chances are you’ll end up getting back at last most of your equity if not all of it plus a handsome profit instead of all those lost rent payments that went up in smoke.
Maple Sweet Real Estate adds value and insight to better inform your real estate decisions.

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