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    Sixty Nine Million Pounds. An Industrial Cathedral.

    Sixty Nine Million Pounds. A town named from a fist fight, Doctor Paddocks pulling hemlock splinters from the fighter’s back and buttox.

    The largest block of granite ever quarried in Barre, Vermont, which took one thousand seven hundred flat cars to transport the smaller blocks it was cut into. Barre, Vermont is stone. The Vermont Granite Museum (VGM) @ 7 Jones Brothers Way in Barre, VT is an Industrial Cathedral, breathtaking in size and scope. Stone Arts School.

    Walk through the doors to discover clusters of plaster and stone sculptures cut by master-craftsman and modern artists, drawings, sets, polishing wheels and molds inside this spectacularly renovated massive warehouse. Built 130 years ago along the Winooski River Stevens Branch in an area once known as Wildersburgh. It was known as the Ellis Island of Vermont with sweat and toil from Scotland, Itlay, Spain, Canada, Norway and Finland. The population exploded between 1880 and 1894 from two to ten thousand.

    Industrial Cathedral

    Industrial Cathedral
    Industrial Cathedral
    Industrial Cathedral
    Industrial Cathedral
    Industrial Cathedral
    Industrial Cathedral

    Religious inspiration, granite fest, buffing discs, rockfire, work in motion, a monumental renovation six and a half million dollars later and wonderful charitable cause. Email the museum to arrange your tour or donate today. 802.776.4605.

    Industrial Cathedral

    Industrial Cathedral
    Industrial Cathedral
    Industrial Cathedral

    The North Barre Granite Boys at work in the 1942 Granite Shed, from the VGM facebook page.

    Maple Sweet features blog posts on a wide array of real estate related subjects including architecture, art and culture. For more information Vermont real estate, the VGM, on selling or purchasing Vermont commercial properties, homes, condos or land connect to, e-mail info(at)maplesweet(dotted)com or call toll-free 800.525.7965. See all Maple Sweet Real Estate listings and the newest Vermont listings.

    Industrial Cathedral

    Ellen Degeneres on the MLS

    Vermont Mandatory Consumer Disclosure: please note Vermont real estate agencies represent Sellers directly or indirectly. Buyer representation can be gained for properties not already listed by Maple Sweet Real Estate. To better understand the merits of or arrange for buyer representation, please email or call for further details. Information Disclosure: information provided and relayed by Maple Sweet Real Estate is not represented to be accurate or free of errors. While substantial efforts are made to obtain and convey information from sources deemed dependable, Maple Sweet Real Estate does not guarantee or warranty such information is accurate or reliable. All information should be independently verified.

    contactmaple sweet real estate

    Clayton-Paul Cormier, Jr.

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