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    Sprucing up to Sell in Spring

    7 spring cleaning benefits

    Get ready for the Spring selling season by staging your property for maximum appeal. Spring cleaning, along with setting the theater, help buyers envision themselves in your house and prepares you for more successfully getting under contract and at once for the move.

    Wash Your Windows

    Washing your windows, as well as opening or removing your curtains and drapes) will bring in more light and make your rooms seem bigger. Potential buyers want to see how much light each room gets, and keeping window treatments in place, regardless of how much they tie the room together, tend to make a room feel darker and dated.

    Declutter & Organize

    Potential buyers want to be able to envision themselves in your space. They can’t do that if your walls are full of pictures from your family vacation or if your kid’s toys are all over the living room. Think about tidying up as soon as you decide to sell your home, so you won’t have to rush to prepare for showings.

    Less is More

    Less is more. Clear out with tag sales, craigslist, front porch forum and ebay. Turn your clurtter into gains to turn over a new leaf. Potential buyers will open every closet and every cabinet, if they are full to the brim with things you will give buyers the subconscious notion that your home is lacking space, the same goes for the garage. This is a great opportunity to get a jump-start on packing too.


    Floors, Floors, Floors!

    Steam your carpets, polish your wood floors (think about restaining if they’re really worn out), and mop tile floors. Remove area rugs from the kitchen, it will immediately make the room feel cleaner. Roll up your old rugs, hardwood floors are a huge selling point these days.


    It’s amazing how much a can of paint can improve things. A neutral home appears larger. Stay away from trendy colors so you have less of a chance of turning off potential buyers. If you would rather save your money, washing your walls can also go a long way to freshening up the walls. Over the years walls collect dust and dirt, taking the time to scrub the walls clean can really spruce up a room. It does take a while and you need to wash at least one full wall at a time because spot cleaning will be very noticeable.

    Essential Oil Diffuser

    Power of Scent

    Aromatherapy is far more than spiritual healing. The mystical essential oil diffusers add atmosphere and a fresh, inspirational element to your home. Unlike strongly scented candles which can b misconstrued as a cover up of off-putting smells or an unclean home, diffusers highlight the your home, allow you to set a major stylistic influence, and show you care about its overall appeal. They welcome the first time visitor and communicate consideration. Thymes makes a wonderful north woods Frasier Fir diffuser oil perfect for the confir forests across Vermont. Innogear makes this natural bamboo automatic shut off diffuser with country charm.


    Landscaping for Curb Appeal

    Landscaping is important to potential buyers. The curb is your first impression, so make a good one. Mow the lawn, weed the flowerbeds, and prune the bushes. Planting some small flowers can be a great, inexpensive way to add a pop of color. Another great way spruce up your curb appeal is buying a new mailbox, or repainting your current mailbox – make sure to keep it at 42-inches above the ground to meet federal regulations.

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