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    The Taste Atlas; Vermont International

    Are you an epicurean? A foodie? The galloping gourmet?

    Here’s a story.

    This text drops from AT&T saying I’ve wracked up over $100 in international calling and I may want to put on the brakes and look into it before destitution sets in. Right-O, you’ve got my attention.

    Duly dilligent, the ever situationally present real estate broker I am, I get on the horn with AT&T. Gene answers in latino tinged english in a wonderfully polite and courteous manner. An hour later the international calling bill has been wiped, all praise AT&T, and we got to talking. The intrigue starts when he confirms, after I ask him where he is, that AT&T employees aren’t allowed to disclose their location… Hmm, something to hide? But Gene starts dropping hints including that it’s a former WW1 Spanish colony and, later, a WWII American colony. His accent is a ringer for a native spanish speaker so I start guessing and cite, one after the next from a list of former Spanish colonies an arm long. Missing with every guess. Gene drops another hint, East Asia. Really? And, behind door number three, the million dollar answer: the Phillipines.

    Having spent nearly ten years in Asia without hopping across the Phillipino archipelago, I asked him what the most prized local dishes are and, after proudly naming a handful, he boasts that a Phillipine dish had been voted number one on the food atlas!

    The food atlas? Now he really has me going. A quick google yields the Taste Atlas which I pull up and, Wow, Shazam, what a cool site if you adore making magic in the kitchen (or at least trying to), eating and travel. At this point that AT&T text announcing international call hemorrhaging is the best thing that’s happened today. Yum!

    Taste atlas food Map

    Have flavor, have fun. Once you find a country to explore, you can click on each dish (and they multiply as you zoom in). One scrumptious looking dish from the Phillipines, for example, is Pancit.
    Pancit Bihon

    What a goldmine. And, as President Biden would say, here’s the deal. What would your house be without a kitchen? A home without aromas and flavors? Vermont without maple syrup or Harbison Cheese from the Jasper Hill Farm?

    harbison cheese

    Dreaming about a trip to Japan? I have been as the border has been closed to tourists since 2020. Here’s your virtual ticket. Imagine biting into refreshing Yubari King Melon on a hot summer day in Hokkaido.
    yubari king melon

    Or sustaining grilled eel over hot rice with condiments from Nagoya known as Hitsumabushi.

    What a glorious way to add value to your own home; surf the culinary planet without even leaving Vermont. Or book those airline tickets to take a much needed vacation and set your destination based on what you discover in the Taste Atlas.
    hitsumabushi nagoya Bring the world to Vermont and add just what your real estate deserves, the exotic and mouth watering for a richer existence.

    At Maple Sweet Real Estate the focus is on much more than dirt, steel and lumber.

    Your palate and soul matter too.

    Making our home here in the fertile Green Mountains is so sweet to begin with but having the world at our fingertips, just as Julia Child brought traditional french cuisine into the land of formica and Sunday afternoon football across 1950s televison sets, makes our paradise more colorful and adventurous.

    Step aside Covid.

    Here’s an interactive feast for your eyes and inspiration for your butcher block. Whether just for you, your family or the next great dinner party, have fun exploring the Taste Atlas.

    And if you’re ready to buy a new house altogether, Maple Sweet Real Estate covers all of Vermont. Call 800.525.7965, text 802.793.1515, email info(at)maplesweet(dotted)com or visit to set up showings or list your house and move into completely new digs to keep up with your culinary adventures.

    See all Maple Sweet Real Estate listings and the newest Vermont listings.

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