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    Warren 4th of July Parade

    4th of July Prickly Float Collage e

    Prickly Mountain rules the world again at the 4th of July. Artists collaboration, float supreme, ever so slinky. This collage shot from the front steps of 247 Main, for sale at $519,000. Talk about sweet front row seats to the 4th, not to mention Halloween. Thanks to the many, many open house visitors: what an exciting event it turned out to be in spite of the intermittent deluge. Thanks for braving the downpour and making the pilgrimage.

    For more specific information on this immaculately restored 1870 commercial and or residential opportunity in the heart of Warren Village or any other Vermont real estate, visit e-mail info(at)maplesweet(dotted)com call 1-800-525-7965, or have us call you.

    4th of July Prickly Float e

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