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    Woodstock, Quechee & Saskadena Six

    Saskadena Six

    Saskadena Six, re-named from Wallace “Bunny” Bertram’s original Suicide Six ski area established in 1936 with a primitive rope tow, was one of North America’s first ski areas and home to the nation’s longest running ski and ride school, the Snow Sports School. Bertram joked that skiing down hill #6 would be suicide which lead to an unforgettable ski area name and, because of “insensitive” connotations in the political correctness era, renaming after 86 years in 2022.

    Saskadena, from indian Abenaki language, means “standing mountain” and symbolizes a deep connection to the original inhabitants and land.

    The First National Snow Surfing Championship organized by Paul Graves with 125 racers celebrated a new sport, snurfing that became what we all know today as snowboarding. Paul opened the first snowboard shop in Woodstock after convincing his wife to move to Vermont. Talk about epic. He was the first sponsored snowboarder, appearing in a Labatt’s Beer ad in 1979, later gifting the Championship to Jake Burton, renamed the US Open from 1990 to 2020 when Jake died; it was moved to Vail in 2013. Amazing history at this beautiful micro-resort in South Pomfret between Woodstock and Quechee, owned & operated by the incomparable Woodstock Inn & Resort opened in 1892.

    A walkable village with so much charm, Woodstock is known for artisan culture and history. Chartered in 1761, 15 years before the Declaration of Independence was signed, it’s one of Vermont’s oldest towns, benefitting from the industrial revolution and today tourism. Real estate values are among the highest in the state. Seasonal homeowners from Boston and New York have driven values up, adding to the local ecomomy’s vitality and livelihood while pushing some locals and native Vermonters into the hills.

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    The Billings Farm & Museum & the Marsh Billings-Rockefeller National Park are draws and there is free wifi through much of “Wireless Woodstock”. The Rockefellers had a huge impact on town character, helping to preserve the 19th century feel with underground power and ridgeline view protection. The Ladies Home Journal named Woodstock the “Prettiest Small Town in America”. Just three hours from Boston and under five to New York this gemstone is, along with Manchester, one of the most obviously high-heeled towns in Vermont.

    Restaurants to try include Melaza Bistro, Lincoln Inn Restaurant @ the Covered Bridge, Prince & the Pauper, & Red Rooster. For seasonal treats on a dime, head to the White Cottage Snack Bar.

    In Quechee, visit Simon Pearce for glass blowing and woodworking and an elegant meal right on the river before heading to the magnficent Quechee State Park to see the Quechee Gorge. Cap the day off with a beer at the Public House Pub.

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